栏目:常见问题 发布时间:2021-12-20

  疲劳强度试验 Fatigue strength test

  四门两盖耐久试验 Door slam durablity test

  底盘零部件强度试验 Chassis components strength test

  发动机附件强度试验 Engine accessories strength test

  液压试验 Hydraulic test

  车身电器试验 Body electrical test

  摇窗机功能和耐久试验 Windows lifter function and durability test

  天窗功能和耐久试验 Roof function and durability test

  雨刮功能和耐久试验 Wiper function and durability test

  外后视镜功能和耐久试验 Rearview mirrors function and durability test

  电器/电子试验 Electric component test

  开关功能和耐久试验 Switch function and durability test

  收音机功能和耐久试验 Radio function and durability test

  集控门锁耐久试验 Door lock durability test
